Martes, Pebrero 4, 2014

Friendship is a greatest gift  of God; it is a relationship between two people who really care about each other.  Many things are needed to make friendship a real one, including trustworthiness, support, honesty, and loyalty. It is realizing that someone else wants the best for you, and you want the same for them. It is being together without needing to pretend, that you can protect each other, fight but come together again and there will be always happiness around when your friend is next to you, and it is sharing your dreams, hopes, and secrets together. Without friendship, it’s hard to maintain happiness. Because we can’t live meaningfully without our friends, like in a saying that “No man is an island “it means that we can’t live without others. It is very important in our lives. Friend is person that feels like family, although were not connected by blood but were connected by feelings. We can choose our friends but we can’t choose our family, that’s why there’s a times that, even a friend can be closer to you than somebody from your family.A friend can provide a lot of support and comfort in good times and bad times.  They are the one who make us happy, knows everything about us, always there for us, and the one who we trusted and tell all our secrets and know that she will never tell to everyone. Loves our friends like how we love ourselves. 

2 komento:

  1. I agree with your interpretation about friendship, sometimes we rather to be with our friends bec. we feel that they understand is more than our family. But remember, our family never leave us and always true to us. Continue value your friends and consider also your family as friend for harmonious relationship.

  2. I know what you are strivingfor, all of us realised these things...but always remember that there's God to be with us always
